The Grateful Autistic

The thoughts of a reborn woman.

Experiences of being proud to be AUTISTIC and TRANSGENDER while losing my religious faith and discovering spiritual freedom.

Words of love and gratitude and life in the wonderful city of Newcastle Upon Tyne.

Friday 25 March 2016

Blyth - A Walk along the Quayside and Beach

Today I just had to take advantage of some wonderful weather.  I've done something I have never done before:

Taken a bus to Blyth.

The plan was to walk from there to Seaton Sluice and there buy chips for lunch.  It was a good plan.  Except it's Good Friday and apparently half of the population of Northumberland want to eat fish on Good Friday and most of them want to buy it from the chip shop in Seaton Sluice.  I have to admit, it's a very good chippy.  But I wasn't about to join the back of a queue of probably 150 people just to get a portion of chips.

Anyway, I quite liked what I saw of Blyth.  Apparently that's almost a heresy - people have never spoken to me of Blyth in glowing terms.  Perhaps I was missing something but what I saw of it was pleasant.  A quiet shopping area with several charity shops.  And then straight to the water to walk along the quayside and then down to the South beach.  It really is rather pleasing and I'll go back.  It would be nice to visit on a school day as the park in Blyth has two very good play areas and there's the third one just before Seaton Sluice.  Of course, on a glorious Good Friday they were crowded with happy people.

Okay, a few photos were taken.

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